Our measures to
Reduce our CO2 emissions
The climate is changing at a pace that demands action. As a company with global reach, DHL wants to make a positive contribution. That’s why we’re fully committed to reducing our carbon emissions by, for instance, building sustainably (BREEAM certified) and by driving electric delivery vans, e-trucks and electric (cargo) bikes.

Smart delivery network
Our CityHubs are all located on the outskirts of urban areas. Thanks to this dense network, we’re always close to recipients and can reduce the number of miles driven for deliveries. This enables us to electrify our fleet at a rapid pace. We’re also expanding the network and building 26 new CityHubs according to the BREEAM sustainability standards. Our ServicePartners too are encouraged to become more sustainable – after all, joining forces is the best way to achieve impact!

BREEAM certified locations
At DHL eCommerce, we care about the environment and take various measures to reduce our carbon emissions. That’s why we are making sure our new locations are gas-free and run on solar energy. They also have charging stations for our electric vehicles. We are also making our existing sites more sustainable, e.g. by installing LED lighting and setting up insect hotels for our tiny friends. Nobody’s left out!

Reducing our CO2 emissions
At DHL eCommerce, we are taking measures to make our fleet more sustainable. Most of our delivery vans in the last mile to the consumer run on electricity or HVO100, a sustainable fossil-free fuel, produced from waste, residual oils and fats. In addition, some of our trucks also run on HVO100 and we also deliver with e-trucks and electric (cargo) bicycles.

Reducing carbon emissions, offsetting residual emissions
We are taking various measures to reduce our carbon emissions. Any residual carbon we emit is offset through our corporate program, which all our business customers participate in. Because initiating real change only happens by joining forces.
A certificate to be proud of
DHL eCommers strives to reduce its carbon emissions. Any residual emissions are offset through various projects. As a business shipper, you support Gold Standard-certified projects. Our online shipping tool My DHL Portal shows you by default how much CO2 you have emitted and offset each month. Every year, you will receive an SGS-validated certificate that shows your total carbon offset and which carbon offset projects we have invested in together. It’s something to be proud of, something to inspire you and others. Because together, we are making the difference.